Celine Song’s Past Lives is a deeply personal and universally resonant film that has captivated audiences since its debut. This romantic drama follows Nora (played by Greta Lee) and Hae Sung (Teo Yoo), two childhood friends from South Korea who …
Bob and Brad dive into the world of Wall Street greed and financial collapse with their review of Adam McKay’s critically acclaimed 2015 film The Big Short . They unpack the movie’s performances, biting humor, and the soberin...
In this explosive episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob and Brad take on Mad Max: Fury Road , George Miller's 2015 action-packed masterpiece. From Charlize Theron's groundbreaking role as Furiosa to Tom Hardy's portrayal of the eni...
It's DUNE YEAR'S EVE, and in this thrilling episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob and Brad are joined by David Thomas Tao to review this year's sci-fi epic Dune: Part Two , directed by Denis Villeneuve. They discuss Timothée …
It’s time for Cruisemas, Vol. 3 ! Bob and Brad return to celebrate Tom Cruise by diving into one of his most action-packed films, Mission: Impossible - Fallout . From death-defying stunts to unforgettable characters, they exp...
In this special bonus episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob is joined by Mike Wendt from the Greater Cleveland Film Commission to review James Mangold’s highly anticipated Bob Dylan biopic, A COMPLETE UNKNOWN . The conversation als...
In this episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob and Brad dive into The Holdovers (2023), the nostalgic Christmas film directed by Alexander Payne and starring Paul Giamatti in an Oscar-worthy performance. The duo break down the movie...
Bob and Brad dive into the groundbreaking 2009 sci-fi thriller District 9 , directed by Neil Blomkamp, exploring its socio-political themes, stunning visual effects, and Sharlto Copley's standout performance. Then, they shift...
Bob and Brad take a heartfelt dive into La La Land (2016), Damien Chazelle's Oscar-winning modern musical, exploring its themes of ambition, love, and bittersweet endings. Later, they taste-test Rebel 100 6-Year Bourbon, offe...
Bob and Brad continue their annual Hanksgiving tradition by spotlighting Tom Hanks' gripping performance in Captain Phillips (2013). The duo explores the film's powerful themes, memorable scenes, and how Hanks embodies the ti...
Bob is joined by his sister Julie, co-host of the Twins on Tour podcast, to dive into the much-anticipated Wicked (2024) movie adaptation. From Cynthia Erivo’s Elphaba to Ariana Grande’s Glinda, they explore performances, the...
In this gripping episode of Film & Whiskey, Bob and Brad dive into David Fincher's intense 2007 thriller, Zodiac, unpacking the film's accuracy, style, and impact on the true-crime genre. Alongside their analysis, they review Rebel Small Batch Reserve Bourbon, …
In this episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob and Brad explore the 2012 James Bond film Skyfall , discussing Daniel Craig’s portrayal, Roger Deakins’ stunning cinematography, and the intense villainy of Silva, played by Javier Bard...
Bob and Brad dive into Bong Joon-ho's critically acclaimed film Parasite (2019). They explore the movie’s rich themes, including social class commentary, visual symbolism, and genre-bending elements, while breaking down its i...
In this exciting episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob and Brad are joined by guest host Jordan McCain, making his triumphant return in his first appearance since Season 1. Together, they dive deep into the 2014 film Whiplash and …
Bob and Brad dive into the high-octane world of Ford v Ferrari (2019), exploring the film's portrayal of the legendary Le Mans '66 race and the fierce rivalry between Ford and Ferrari. Directed by James Mangold and starring C...
Bob and Brad dive into the visually stunning and critically acclaimed 2018 animated film, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse . We explore the film's groundbreaking animation style, unique take on the Spider-Man multiverse, and...
Bob and Brad dive into the critically acclaimed 2011 film The Help . Starring Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, and Emma Stone, this movie brings forth powerful themes about racism, civil rights, and social justice set in the 196...
In this highly anticipated episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob and Brad sit down with film critic Bilge Ebiri to review the 2023 cinematic masterpiece Oppenheimer , directed by Christopher Nolan. They delve into the performances,...
In this special episode of Film & Whiskey , Bob sits down with Daniel Roher and Edmund Stenson , co-directors of the upcoming 2024 documentary Blink . The film follows a family’s global journey as they race against time to …
In today’s episode, Bob Book flies solo while Brad is on vacation. Bob sits down with Blackwood Distilling Co. founder, Guinness McFadden, and Chief Brand Officer, Zach Johnston. They discuss the origins of Blackwood Distilling, the unique toasted barrel bourbon …
In this special Season Nine Preview , we’re excited to dive into a new theme: Modern Classics . This season, we’ll explore films from the last 20 years and ask the important question: Do they belong in the 21st-century canon?...
In this special episode of Film & Whiskey, Bob and Brad team up with guest David Thomas Tao for an entertaining Movie Candy Draft. The trio competes to assemble the ultimate lineup of movie theater candy, with categories including Chocolate, …
Bob and Brad tackle a topic that’s close to every whiskey lover’s heart: finding the best whiskey at every price point. With over 400 episodes worth of reviews under their belts, they’ve broken down their top picks by whiskey...